Corn Dogs Any Time!

Corn Dogs Any Time!

2020 was weird to say the least. One of our favorite things to do in the summer is attend county fairs and festivals. Thanks to all the madness, they were all pretty much canceled. One of the most missed things? Fair food! I personally love Stromboli's, ribbon fries and shaved ice. One of my dad's favorites is corn dogs! Lucky for him, Rural Queen Co. sells a Hot Dog Roaster that you can make corn dogs with at home over the open fire or grill!

You can get yours here:

They are super simple to make! You need corn dog mix, non-stick cooking spray and hot dogs.

1. This may be the most important step, spray your iron with non-stick cooking spray. Be generous.

2. Add the corn dog mix to the iron. Fill the slot about 50%.

3. Add your hot dog to the top of the corn dog mix. You may have to cut the end off your hot dog if it is too long for the iron.

4. Cover both hot dogs with corn dog mix.

5. Place your iron over the fire or grill and cook to perfection. Try not to open your iron too much, if you open before it has really started cooking the mix may stick a little. Typically it will take about three minutes per side, but this can vary depending on cooking temperature and how toasted your want your dinner!

I hope you try home made corn dogs soon! Let us know what you think! You can also use this iron to make wraps, hotdogs with a croissant wrapped around it and more!

Grab your American Made Hot Dog Toaster here:

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